Your rights and responsibilities

Residential tenancy is governed by the Residential Tenancies Act in New Zealand.

Tenancy Services is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) - their website provides information and resources to help tenants and landlords act with confidence.

If you are unclear about anything to do with your rights or responsibilities as a tenant, feel free to get in touch with us, or browse their website.


  • RPM require an application form for all intended tenants over the age of 18. We will collect only the information we need to enable us to confirm your suitability for a property. Please refer to our privacy page and disclaimer at any time.

  • RPM collect a full bond allowable as per the Residential Tenancies Act. Currently equivalent to 4 weeks rent. A bond form will be completed by all tenants and your property manager and lodged with Tenancy Services within the required time frame. Bonds must be paid in full prior to your move-in date.

  • Please notify RPM immediately if you know your rent payment will be late.

    RPM have a zero tolerance for missed rent. We monitor payments daily and have strict procedures to follow should rent fall overdue.

    All rent payments are to be paid electronically.

    14-day notices to remedy will be issued in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act. Any negotiated payment plans will be documented and monitored.

  • Before move-in, you will walk through the property with one of our managers to complete a detailed move-in inspection.

    Insurance agencies require regular inspections to be conducted to maintain a valid policy. Your property manager will advise you of the frequency, most are either 3 or 4 monthly. RPM prefers the tenant to be present for any inspection so any maintenance or other issues can be discussed.

    End of tenancy inspections will be conducted as a walk through with your property manager after you have moved out all personal belongings to enable a detailed report to be completed prior to signing any bond refund form.

  • We want your home to be in good working order all the time. Please contact your property manager immediately if it is urgent, or the next business day so we can remedy any issues asap.

    Tenants have a duty of care to advise of all maintenance work required. Even minor RPM requires notification so it can be logged for remedy, sometimes these can be combined to reduce cost or help efficiency.

    Any maintenance request that has been caused by mistreatment from yourself, occupants or any visitors, or those named on the tenancy agreement will be fully liable for cost of the repairs.

  • Is your repair urgent?

    All Emergency repairs that may potentially cause harm to a person or damage to the property please contact us as soon as possible.

    Examples may be:

    Burst water pipes or serious leak (turn off at the mains asap)

    Hazardous electrical fault

    Fire damage

    Storm/Weather damage – trees fallen, roofs lifted etc

  • RPM strongly suggests their tenants take out contents insurance.

    The property owner’s insurance does not cover your possessions.

    You may also end up being held liable for damage you or a guest may cause to the property. Even if an owner has comprehensive insurance, their insurance company might seek compensation from you for any costs incurred in repairing damage.

    Tenant or renters contents insurance may also include liability insurance, this can protect you from debt should you be held liable for any damage. Please ensure you check your policy wording.

Call out Fees and After Hours

Your tenancy agreement with us allows the following fees to be charged to you:

Callout Charge:
The tenant agrees to pay any reasonable callout charge if:

  • The tenant does not adhere to prior arrangement for entry

  • Where no fault is found

  • The repairs are due to damage or negligence by the tenant

  • Where the tenant requires us to arrange (or arranges themselves) a contractor to attend the tenancy premises to conduct any work and the contractor cannot gain entry, or does ain entry but cannot find any fault, or does complete work which can be attributed to the tenants negligence, then the reasonable cost of the contractor may be charged to the tenant.

Locked out:
The tenant agrees to pay a locked out charge of $25 (Including GST) should we be required to unlock the tenancy premises due to lost or misplaced keys. Waiving of this charge will be at the sole discretion of RPM.

After Hours:
The tenant agrees to pay an after hours rate of $50 (Including GST) per hour should they require RPM to provide services at the tenancy premises, acting on behalf of, or facilitating work on behalf of the tenant that is not covered under the tenancy agreement outside of normal business hours; 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday inclusive.